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  1. 沥青路面热再生与冷再生技术

  2. 绿色环保型路面材料开发及应用

  3. 固体废弃物高效再生利用

  4. 路面预防性维修养护新技术


  1. Ying Fang, Zhengqi Zhang, et al. Insights into permeability of rejuvenator in old asphalt based on permeation theory: Permeation behaviors and micro characteristics[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 325: 126765. (SCI一区 Top期刊)

  2. Ying Fang, Zhengqi Zhang, et al. Analysis of wetting behavior and its influencing factors of rejuvenator/old asphalt interface based on surface wetting theory[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 314: 125674. (SCI一区 Top期刊)

  3. Ying Fang, Zhengqi Zhang, et al. Comprehensive review on the application of bio-rejuvenator in the regeneration of waste asphalt materials[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 295: 123631. (SCI一区 Top期刊)

  4. Ying Fang, Zhengqi Zhang, et al. Composition design of waste vegetable oil–based rejuvenator based on RSM and performance evaluation of rejuvenated asphalt[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2022, 34(07): 04022136. (SCI二区)

  5. Ying Fang, Zhengqi Zhang, et al. Performance characterization of biorecycled asphalt and gray correlation analysis between its components and macroproperties[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2022, 34(03): 04021490. (SCI二区)

  6. Zhengqi Zhang, Ying Fang, et al. A comprehensive review of bio-oil, bio-binder and bio-asphalt materials: Their source, composition, preparation and performance[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition), 2022, 9(02):151-166. (通讯作者 EI 行业权威期刊)


地址:湖北省襄阳市隆中路296号 湖北文理学院 土木工程与建筑学院

联系方式:0710-3590101  E-mail: 2934748339@qq.com


